“You have a past. It’s no secret. You may have done things out in the open that people have rightly condemned you for, or you may have tried to bury away deep dark secrets in back of your mind and far down in your heart. But the past is there and it’s not all pretty.
While this is true, it’s important that you don’t let the devil convince you that you are the only person in the world who has problems in your past. It’s just not true. You are not the only person to experience pain, who has gone through a divorce, or who has seen the horrors of war, made a mistake, served time in prison, deeply hurt someone you love, or has fallen short of the mark. Everyone has a past, and everyone’s past is full of problems, mistakes, and heartache. But sometimes we let the devil convince us that we are the only person in the world who has a past. Worse yet, sometimes we think that our past is so hideous that nothing can make us right again. That’s just not true.”
This past weekend Pastor Pete Pawelek told the folks gathered at Cowboy Fellowship that even though we all do have a past filled with sin, we may look at that past in different ways. One may fear that he, and therefore his sin, isn’t important enough to bother with, while another fears theirs is so horrible that they are beyond any hope of forgiveness. Truth be told, both are wrong. Sin is sin, and the wages of any sin is death and eternal damnation. The devil wants you to know only this in order to cause you to fear the past, so he can control you, and manipulate your life. When he does that you will begin to fear your past and He will WIN!
“There is only one way to overcome the fear of your past and know that you have hope for a future. And hope is possible even in a world that appears to be filled with some pretty scary stuff. There are riots and wars going on all over the world today. The price of oil has risen, and the cost of gas has increased greatly in just the last seven days. Unemployment is high, economists are predicting a second recession, or even depression may be in our future. But no one really knows what the future holds except God. God knows our past and holds our future. He has given us a means to leave our past behind and to move without fear into the future. We can live in fear of the possibilities the future holds and waste our lives, or we can trust God, have faith, and be fearless despite the future. Fear of the future can be a powerful force that can keep us on the sidelines and cause us to waste our lives.”
Only God is bigger than our problems, He is stronger than any hold Satan can ever have on our lives. His forgiveness is more solid, sure, and sustainable then any guilt Satan can throw in our paths. God gave His Son, Jesus Christ, for you and for me. His perfect blood was shed in order for us to be blameless before God. To consider your past sin either too insignificant or too horrific, and your future too uncertain to trust with Jesus, is a foolish and costly move. Please don’t let your fear of the past cripple your hope for the future. To learn more about the forgiveness offered through Jesus Christ come to a place where you will be welcomed no matter what your current state or circumstance is. Cowboy Fellowship offers teaching messages Saturday evenings at 7 and Sunday mornings at 10:45 as well as various small group sessions during the week in the big metal building out on FM 3350. You are important enough to Jesus for Him to die for, isn’t he worthy of your trust?
submitted by: P Weatherston
While this is true, it’s important that you don’t let the devil convince you that you are the only person in the world who has problems in your past. It’s just not true. You are not the only person to experience pain, who has gone through a divorce, or who has seen the horrors of war, made a mistake, served time in prison, deeply hurt someone you love, or has fallen short of the mark. Everyone has a past, and everyone’s past is full of problems, mistakes, and heartache. But sometimes we let the devil convince us that we are the only person in the world who has a past. Worse yet, sometimes we think that our past is so hideous that nothing can make us right again. That’s just not true.”
This past weekend Pastor Pete Pawelek told the folks gathered at Cowboy Fellowship that even though we all do have a past filled with sin, we may look at that past in different ways. One may fear that he, and therefore his sin, isn’t important enough to bother with, while another fears theirs is so horrible that they are beyond any hope of forgiveness. Truth be told, both are wrong. Sin is sin, and the wages of any sin is death and eternal damnation. The devil wants you to know only this in order to cause you to fear the past, so he can control you, and manipulate your life. When he does that you will begin to fear your past and He will WIN!
“There is only one way to overcome the fear of your past and know that you have hope for a future. And hope is possible even in a world that appears to be filled with some pretty scary stuff. There are riots and wars going on all over the world today. The price of oil has risen, and the cost of gas has increased greatly in just the last seven days. Unemployment is high, economists are predicting a second recession, or even depression may be in our future. But no one really knows what the future holds except God. God knows our past and holds our future. He has given us a means to leave our past behind and to move without fear into the future. We can live in fear of the possibilities the future holds and waste our lives, or we can trust God, have faith, and be fearless despite the future. Fear of the future can be a powerful force that can keep us on the sidelines and cause us to waste our lives.”
Only God is bigger than our problems, He is stronger than any hold Satan can ever have on our lives. His forgiveness is more solid, sure, and sustainable then any guilt Satan can throw in our paths. God gave His Son, Jesus Christ, for you and for me. His perfect blood was shed in order for us to be blameless before God. To consider your past sin either too insignificant or too horrific, and your future too uncertain to trust with Jesus, is a foolish and costly move. Please don’t let your fear of the past cripple your hope for the future. To learn more about the forgiveness offered through Jesus Christ come to a place where you will be welcomed no matter what your current state or circumstance is. Cowboy Fellowship offers teaching messages Saturday evenings at 7 and Sunday mornings at 10:45 as well as various small group sessions during the week in the big metal building out on FM 3350. You are important enough to Jesus for Him to die for, isn’t he worthy of your trust?
submitted by: P Weatherston
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