
Monday, May 4, 2009

Everyone Deals With It

Defeat is something we all deal with, everyone will have to face the pain, frustration, and problems that come with defeat. Even King David was defeated at times. We can certainly point to his moral and ethical defeats, but he was physically defeated at times in war as well. When he faced defeat he turned to God and we should too. Do you feel defeated today? Was it last week that defeated you, or will it be next week? The question is not “if” you will face defeat but instead “when.” How do, or how will you, deal with it? Will you feel sorry for yourself? Will you run and hide? Will you lash out in a fit of anger and rage at someone else, yourself, or God? Will you ignore it, cover it up, or pretend it never happened? Or will you turn to God and deal with it? Everyone deals with defeat but not everyone handles it well. Defeat is not cause to quit, instead it is cause to turn to God and keep going. The next victory is on its way, but what you learn and how you handle the defeats is as important as well. Examine your heart today and honestly discover how you deal with defeat. Decide today how you will respond to the next defeat and prepare yourself for it. We all deal with it, so let us all be ready to handle it in a way that honors and brings glory to God.

1 comment:

  1. Pete, thanks for your dedication to helping us clearly understand what we are reading. WE appreciate you and your love of the Lord.


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