I wanted to start today’s blog with an explanation and word of encouragement. First the explanation: several people have asked why I did not post last week and Scotty the week before. We try to post on a regular schedule Monday (Pastor Pete), Wednesday (Scotty), and Friday (Tanner). However, due to vacations, sickness, and personal issues, we may not always be able to post. Scotty was gone on vacation the week before last, and last Monday I took the day off to be with my son for his eye surgery. I know you all understand things like this, I just wanted to be clear with the explanation. If we do not post, chances are something major came up or we are out of the office. To be honest, it was great that so many of you said you missed our postings. That was encouraging to us!! Thank you!!
Now to encourage you: KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! If you are still reading along with us then you are doing great! We have had a lot of names again here the last few days and it can become discouraging and frustrating when you are reading all these names. However, each name is important, and it is in the Bible for a reason. You don’t have to understand all of the family trees, but read the names and do your best to pronounce them. You will be surprised at the different dots you will be able to connect later on just because you took the time to read through the names. As I have said before, don’t try to understand everything, just read it, and God will reveal what He wants you to understand. Keep up the great work, stick with it, we will be halfway before you know it.
I love how today’s reading ends: Not one of ALL the Lord’s good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. Our God does not fail! And He does not break promises! That is great to remember as we walk through life. We can always count on God. His good promises to you and I will NOT fail! Every one of them will be fulfilled. Whatever is going on in your life, no matter how good or bad things are right now, that verse should bring joy to your heart. You can count on God! Don’t forget that as you start this new week.
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