
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Gnats

God seeks us out even when our hearts are hardened. It is too easy in hind sight to come against the Pharaoh. You have to remember that the snakes, the blood in the river, and the frogs, were tricks to Pharaoh. His magic men could reproduce all of those, but when it came to the gnats, yes the gnats, the magic men could not produce those and they said, “This is the finger of God.” Up until then they were tricks that people could perform.
Take a minute to remember a time in which you have run into a swarm of gnats, man they get in your nose, you ears, your eyes, and that was just a small cloud you might of ran into. Can you imagine what the Bible says, “Stretch out your staff and strike the dust of the ground, and throughout the land of Egypt, the dust will become gnats.” The dust! God was wanting people to recognize his power, and the dust became gnats! I am glad I was born now and not then. Amen. Gnats drive me crazy.
Observe some things as you take all of this in, “So that you may know there is no one like the Lord our God” , “This is the finger of God”. God wants us to recognize Him in our lives, as you can see here in Exodus and many other places throughout the Bible he goes to great lengths to reach out to us.
What is He doing to reach out to you? How is our God trying to catch our attention? My prayer for us is that we don’t allow our hearts to be hardened. Oh God please allow our hearts to stay soft to the things you are trying to show us and tell us and help us to be faithful to the great things you show and tell us to do.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Scotty! Just goes to show how God can use anything, even the smallest things to bring Glory and Fame to His Name. Even Gnats have a purpose when it comes to God. Our Lord is AMAZING!

    Pastor Pete


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