A mixture of church news, and updates along with thoughts on current events and scripture. Our Pastors post as the Lord leads them and you will be blessed to hear, see, and read what the Lord lays on their hearts. It is our prayer that you will be blessed through this extension of our ministry.
Friday, February 27, 2009
You are Mine!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Common Sense
Friday, February 20, 2009
Man I am Dirty!!!
Could you imagine, these days if we had to go through all of the same cleansing rituals that all the people in Moses’ day had to do? I mean seriously, if we had to perform the same cleansing techniques, you probably wouldn’t see hardly anybody, because everybody would be unclean for something, or having to wait for their 7 days before being able to see or touch anyone. We would all become social rejects. And these rituals we are reading about today, these are cleansing procedures for things like mildew, and bodily fluid leakage (in either gender), and really just typical things that every human being goes through on a daily basis. This is tapping in to what God thinks about things being unclean, and what should be done about them. Things that we might see as small, or trivial, or not really mattering much because we experience them so much and so frequently. But if you notice, all of these things that God and Moses are discussing, are physical things. Could you imagine then what God thinks about the dirt and grime of our spirits, and what would it take to clean us up spiritually? To clean us up spiritually so that we might be clean before God? Well the answer is no, we couldn’t imagine what it would take to clean it up, but God did know what it would take. His son, dying for us on a cross. That was the only thing that would be able to pay for the sins that you and I have done for our entire lives, to make us pure and holy in the eyes of our lord. A good example of this is grease and oil. Have you ever had engine oil, or grease on your hands or arms, and then tried to wash it off with water and just regular soap? That’s stuff ain’t coming off unless you decide to grab a wire brush, and then it just becomes painful. So we walk around with dirty, oily hands. But then one day we discover GOJO, which is like Jesus. It is the ultimate thing to wash us clean, he is the only way that we can be cleaned up, to be presented before the father. Just a little thought to keep in mind when reading today’s scripture.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
God intercedes for Moses and make him holy so he can intercede on behalf of Aaron and his sons, so that Aaron and his sons can intercede on the behalf of the people of Israel. They did this so that the Glory of God might come down and all the people would see the Glory of God.
Moses ordains Aaron and his sons to be priests, God sends his glory down, and fire comes out of his glory and consumes the sacrifices on the altar.
Soon after that as Aaron and his family start to prepare for the next step in offering incense, his boys do what is wrong by offering “strange fire” or “forbidden fire”. The NIV just states fire, but in the Hebrew, it’s acutely translated strange fire, the only reason I remembered it was because I had read in the KJV before that it noted a strange fire. For some reason, ever since I read that as a child it has stuck with me. Why did they offer with a strange fire, or a forbidden fire, why not just plain Jane fire? The words strange and/or forbidden have their root words based in the word sin.
So they had offered the incense in a sinful way, a way in which God had asked them not to offer it. It would be one thing to try to offer something in which to honor God, but the way the words are put together in the Hebrew, they speak of a disrespectful way in which they offered up the incense to God. Not in a way of respect or honor, but in a sinful way. These men were not struck down because they were trying something new in which they could honor God and be creative, they offered the gift in a bad way which brought God’s anger down on them. I tried to relay that line of thought to you in a bunch of different ways so that maybe you would understand it a little more.
See the blood being shed in the temple inside the city. Then see the rest of the body taken outside the city to be completely burned. Jesus was a symbol to the Jews all the way. He was tortured, beaten beyond recognition, His blood was let in the city, and his body was staked to the cross on the outside of the city. God’s standard is perfection. Thankfully, Jesus’ blood was enough to atone for our sins, it redeemed us, it saved us. I hope you see that in the symbols of the old testament today.
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Worshiper & Sacrifices
I was reminded of something as I read the text today. God desires our best!! It is obvious and easy to see that God in each case wanted the worshiper to bring the choice sacrifice animals without blemish, or the finest flower etc. You can’t bring the leftovers to God and call it a sacrifice. A sacrifice consists of the best you and I have, anything less is not acceptable as a sacrifice. It was a good reminder for me.
The next thing really jumped off the pages at me in a way it never has before. I noticed how many times the worshiper was called to lay his own hand on the animal and deliver the fatal blow. I think many times we assume that the worshiper just brought the animal to the Priest and he did all the dirty work. It turns out this is not the case. The worshiper coming to offer the sacrifice was to present the offering, and then actively participate in killing the animal being sacrificed. The priest in most cases was there to catch the blood, or carry the sacrifice on from the point the fatal blow was delivered. The word translated “lay his hand on” (smkh) means to lean, rest, or support ones self. Walvoord and Zuck state that this shows that through the act of leaning into or on the animal the worshiper was identifying himself with the animal as his substitute. Furthermore by delivering the final deathblow, the worshiper would have realized the incredible cost of sin.
My question is do we? Do we understand the incredible price that was paid for our redemption? God delivered the sacrifice and presented it for us in his one and only son. Ultimately God had control and sent His Son to the cross with his own hand. God allowed Jesus to suffer and die for our sins. Simply put, He did it all for us before we were even born. I did not have to lay my hands on an animal sacrifice, or Jesus for that matter and deliver the final blow. God did it all for us!!! (Col 2:13-15) I am thankful that He did, but I fear this is perhaps the main reason we treat sin in such a lazy manner in our society. We don’t truly appreciate the cost, and the incredible task that fell on the worshiper who laid his hands on the sacrifice and took its life from it. I pray as we read about the sacrifices those under the old law made and the way they made them our appreciation of the New Covenant will be strengthened and our hearts will despise the sin more and more each day. God’s grace through Jesus Christ was FREE, but it was not CHEAP!!!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Always Seeking After God
The Lord Our God
Look how detailed it was to slaughter the animal, where to get the fat from, what to offer, what not to offer, where to burn it, where to sprinkle the blood, how intricate the uniforms were, how they were to be dressed, and so forth. A lot of T’s to be crossed and I’s to be dotted.
Thank you Jesus, that your death was enough, that your blood was sufficient to atone for all of our sins, thank you for your sacrifice, thank you for your suffering in a way we will never really be able to comprehend but we will truly will be grateful for.
I love the part at the end though with God speaking starting at verse 44, “So I will consecrate the Ten of Meeting and the altar and will consecrate Aaron and his sons to serve me as priests. Then I will dwell among the Israelites and be their God. They will know that I am the Lord their God who brought them out of Egypt so that I might dwell among them, I am the Lord their God.”
Do you recognize that He is the Lord your God, and if so, does the Lord our God dwell with you?
Monday, February 9, 2009
It's The Law
Today we read about some of the Laws. These can be kind of like reading a bunch of names. You might wonder why do I need to read these? After all our modern day justice system does not operate under these same laws. So why should I read them? Well if you really take some time and look at these laws, you will find that our system of justice today finds it’s roots in the laws found in God’s word. There are also many unwritten and unspoken laws that all members of this country and our faith should follow. Like “Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong.” That is a good one don’t you think? These laws are the foundation for not only our system of law and government but indeed the laws of all mankind on some level. These laws are more then just laws they are God’s laws! We should pay attention to them, learn from them, and keep them in mind in the coming days as we will read about what God does with the law through a man named Jesus. You don’t need to memorize or try to remember all of these laws, just remember they are God’s laws, and will become the foundation for the laws that govern the history of mankind. Don’t skip over them, they are important. After all, it’s the law.
Friday, February 6, 2009
The Red Sea
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Gnats
Take a minute to remember a time in which you have run into a swarm of gnats, man they get in your nose, you ears, your eyes, and that was just a small cloud you might of ran into. Can you imagine what the Bible says, “Stretch out your staff and strike the dust of the ground, and throughout the land of Egypt, the dust will become gnats.” The dust! God was wanting people to recognize his power, and the dust became gnats! I am glad I was born now and not then. Amen. Gnats drive me crazy.
Observe some things as you take all of this in, “So that you may know there is no one like the Lord our God” , “This is the finger of God”. God wants us to recognize Him in our lives, as you can see here in Exodus and many other places throughout the Bible he goes to great lengths to reach out to us.
What is He doing to reach out to you? How is our God trying to catch our attention? My prayer for us is that we don’t allow our hearts to be hardened. Oh God please allow our hearts to stay soft to the things you are trying to show us and tell us and help us to be faithful to the great things you show and tell us to do.