
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Costa Rica PT.2

Church it was such an amazing thing to see all that Amanda and Larry are doing in Costa Rica.  As you may know their primary job is to learn Spanish right now.  They will not work in Costa Rica, in fact they will depart for Ecuador in August.  That is where their actual mission is.  However they have to learn Spanish first.  And let me just say, they have it down.  Both Amanda and Larry are fluent in the language and they continue to work hard on some of the more advanced things that come with Spanish.  I was impressed to say the least.
They are also doing several different missions while in Costa Rica.  They work once a week teaching English at a nearby mission.  During this time they have a short worship service where they share the gospel with those who attend.  They also make a one hour drive on Thursdays to help with a kids ministries at a Nicaraguan refuge camp on the outskirts of San Jose.  Larry teaches the kids how to use computers and Amanda does arts and crafts.    This too has been a very fruitful ministry. 
I was only there three days so I was only able to see a small part of what Amanda and Larry do on a weekly basis but it was very encouraging.  While I was with them I also got to speak to almost 100 missionaries who are studying at the same school.  I lead the chapel service and had a chance to give them a small taste of Cowboy Fellowship.  They were encouraged and I was as well.  It is so great to be a part of a church that supports missions in such a big way.  I pray that our church continues to place missions at the top of our priorities.  When you give online, in the mail, on Saturday night, or Sunday morning you are supporting missionaries all around the world just like Amanda and Larry.  We all have a part in the work of the Gospel!  I pray we do more then just send them a check every month, we need to remember them in our prayers as well.

Here are a few pictures from the trip.

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