
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Word From The Pastor

How should we respond? There is a great deal of debate right now over what churches should or should not do in response to the earthquake in Haiti. Some feel that we should allow our government to handle the situation because they can handle it best. Others say that churches should raise money and send it through organizations like Red Cross to the people that have been affected. Still others say it is not our responsibility at all to help those who are hurting because we have so many in our own country that are suffering. But what does the Bible say?

First, it says we should pray! In Exodus when the natural disasters struck Egypt the pagan Pharaoh asked Moses to pray. The people of Haiti who have long been known for their Voodoo practices are now calling on Christians to pray for them too. Should we refuse? 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says we should pray continually, and the Bible teaches us that we should pray about all things and on behalf of others. We must pray for the people of Haiti. We should also pray for wisdom and discernment in how we can physically help those people as well. If we do this we can be certain that God will lead us in the next two areas.

The church of God should also give to help those in need. Paul thanked those in Philippi for sending him aid again and again while he was in need. Romans tells us that we are to be hospitable and share with those in need. 1John 3:17 says “If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?” The church should give to those in need, despite their geographic location or ability to pay us back or come to our aid in the future. If we pray God will give us the specifics on how much and when to give.

Finally, the church should GO! We should go and physically respond to natural disasters such as this if we are able. While we help hurting people we have the privilege and honor of sharing our faith with them as well. In Romans 10, Paul asks how can the lost respond to the Gospel unless they hear the gospel, and how can they preach unless they are sent? The church must GO!

So what are we doing? Well we have already started to pray and if you have not done so already please join us in praying for the people of Haiti and how the Lord will use us in response to this disaster. We will give, but we will NOT be collecting special offerings for the people of Haiti. At Cowboy Fellowship we have never asked you to give more then your 10%. We firmly believe that if you and your family faithfully tithe God will provide for all of our needs as a church and we will have the resources we need to respond in times like this as well. If you are not tithing we would challenge you to start today so the church can continue to impact the world with the Gospel. You can now give online at as well. Finally we will have boots on the ground in the coming months. As the search and rescue efforts come to a close and the relief efforts go into full swing we plan to send individuals from our team into Haiti to help and share the good news of Jesus with others. If you are interested in going please check the bulletin each week for updates and announcements.

Cowboy Fellowship is one of the most gracious and Biblical churches I know of. Because of people like you we have responded to the tsunami, Katrina, Rita, the earthquake in China, and to droughts in Africa. It is amazing to look back on our short 6 year history as a church and see the impact that this church has had all around the world. Because of people like you we will soon be adding Haiti to that list as well. I hope to see you this weekend at one of our services!

Pastor Pete

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