
Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Great City Falls!

As you well know over the past couple of days the Great City has been laid siege to by the great King Nebuchadnezzar. An it is amazing how gracious our God is and how he even offers peaceful solutions to Zedekiah. But, because he had allowed himself to be stricken with Fear he could not hear God’s voice.
Did you see that.. Zedekiah allowed himself to be stricken with fear, instead of listen to God, trusting God, obeying God, Zedekiah's fear lead him to make the wrong choice, time after time after time.
What is fear leading you to do? Is it leading you doubt, is fear leading you to anger, is fear leading you to lying, is fear leading you out of close relationships, if fear making you run from God instead of to God, is the fear of being alone leading you to make take the wrong decision in improper relationships, is fear of what people think keeping you from hearing God’s voice and doing what he asked you to do?
Learn this lesson today, see what is happening. The city did not have to be burned, the great Temple of God could have been left standing, and we possibly could still see it today had Zedekiah listen to God’s voice, instead of the voice of fear. Zedekiah through away all the work God had done through Solomon the wisest man in the world built the temple of God with the greatest architecture, art, & materials. The Greats building ever built in a lifetime of lifetimes was burned down destroyed, the entire wall of the city crumbled to rubble because of fear, and fear leads to even worse things when we allow it to control our lives instead of God. Fear lead Zedekiah to seeing his own kids put to death in front of him, his wives, his entire family, and as the City was being finished burned to the ground for lasting affect the Great King Nebuchadnezzar had his eyes put out. At the end of those things. All of that Tragedy would forever be the last things he would see on this world. Fear is mean, fear is evil, fear is devious in it’s plot to destroy your hope, your dreams, your family, your friends, your life, but most of Fear wants to devour you spiritual site of God and you dependence on Him.
Because you know what the opposite of fear is, peace, strength, comfort, courageousness, confidence, and most of all Life. Fear wants to keep you from having life. And God wants to give you life.
Now my question to you today is this, do you hear God’s voice, if you do, Trust it. It leads to life, even in the mist of the most powerful king left on this earth (Satan) is laying siege to your life, do not give into the fear of who he is but give into the Word of our God and how peaceful it can be in the mist of life’s storms of Fear. God’s word will lead you to do what’s right. Jeremiah in the midst of a storm followed God and did what he was asked to do, even though no one else did and because of that, he had Life.

Maybe what the Temple looked like before it was destroyed

The song Trust & Obey (came to my mind as I read these set group of scriptures)


  1. Good links Scotty that is a great picture.

  2. Thank you for taking the time which I know you have so little of to post on this site. I love your insight into the verses we are reading.


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