
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Surprise Transition

I was surprised at yesterday’s reading and transition.
After reading Samuel, I just knew that the transition would be to Psalm 18, which starts off the very same way as a song that David wrote about what had happened as well, but was longer.
To my surprise, it went to them finishing up on commenting about the fool.
Just goes to show you, everyone gets different ideas about different things. I’m sure glad scripture is consistent.
Don’t think I am any kind of scholar… it just so happens that I use the first part of Psalm 18 in some of my funeral messages from time to time. I just had never realized that part of it was quoted in Samuel as well.
Another thought to ponder… if this was in coalition about the foolishness of Nabal, why didn’t David speak of the wisdom of Abigail? Usually if I speak about something that was bad but has a good point at the end, I drive home that good point. Maybe he just didn’t want to use names and maybe his point was the rewards Abigail received from being faithful to God and her king. Had she not, it surely would have meant death to her also.
All in all, for me it was about Psalm 18 and the exact words from the book of Samuel that really hit home. What hit home for you today?
May you realize you have been set free from the coils of death that grasp at you!

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