
Monday, March 2, 2009

Why Wait????

Numbers 9:8 (NIV) Moses answered them, “Wait until I find out what the LORD commands concerning you.” Like most of you I make hundreds of decisions each day. We are faced with small decisions and large decisions. Some decisions affect only our lives and others affect many lives. Some decisions seem important and others do not. The truth however is every decision is important. The question is how do we respond when we are faced with one. The decision Moses faced was one that some common sense could have solved. As I read the verses just previous to this one I thought to myself, “That’s easy. They should still be able to celebrate the Passover.” Which by the way is what God ends up telling Moses. But it really impressed me that Moses did not rely on common sense. He did not rely on what he thought. Instead he relied on God. “Wait until I find out what the LORD commands”, he says. I was reminded today that as I make decisions I should be quick to go to God even if it might mean waiting for a short or long period of time. When we make decisions ourselves, based on common sense, experience, or the wisdom we have gained from life, we often times get it right. However you will still make many bad and wrong decisions. When you go to God and when you wait on God for the answer, you are guaranteed to get it right the first time every time.


  1. Pete, I agree with you. It is not always easy to wait for God's answers, but it is always right to wait for His answers. It helps me to ask God each day to help me stay in His will and to tell me what He wants me to accomplish this day. Of course that isn't an original idea it came from a sermon by a person who is very much in tune with God. Thanks Pete for listening to God.

  2. Pete, I agree with you. It is not always easy to wait for God's answers, but it is always right to wait for His answers. It helps me to ask God each day to help me stay in His will and to tell me what He wants me to accomplish this day. Of course that isn't an original idea it came from a sermon by a person who is very much in tune with God. Thanks Pete for listening to God.


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