Weakness today is seen as a repulsive quality. No one wants to be perceived as being weak, incapable, frail, or needy. Yet the Apostle Paul himself wrote "I delight in weakness...for when I am weak then I am strong." It seems to me that God not only wants to display His amazing grace in our lives, but He desires to show the world His power through our lives too. This is only possible when we are willing to display our weaknesses to the world. Our culture only feeds what our nature desires to do with our weakness. Friends, family, and even our churches encourage us to conceal, and disguise our weaknesses from others. In doing so we convince ourselves that we are stronger, when in fact we become weaker with each passing moment our weakness is kept from view. It is uncommon to reveal your weaknesses to the world, but it is also the key to becoming stronger in your faith as well. For this reason Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 12:9–10 NIV "Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me." We can not expect the power of God to rest on our lives if we are too shallow, self indulgent, and superficial to allow our weaknesses to be exposed so that the power of God might also be visible for all to see as well.
A mixture of church news, and updates along with thoughts on current events and scripture. Our Pastors post as the Lord leads them and you will be blessed to hear, see, and read what the Lord lays on their hearts. It is our prayer that you will be blessed through this extension of our ministry.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Pass Your Test
I read this commentary today and it made me think about all of the tests in life. I wish the tests would cease once we graduated school but the truth is we face tests throughout our lives. Many of the most difficult tests have nothing to do with our formal education but rather they deal with our spritual education. God is always trying to teach us new things and many of those lessons come in the form of a spiritual test... Here is what I read this morning about Abraham.
In the “School of Faith” we must have occasional tests or we will never know where we are spiritually. Abraham had his share of tests right from the beginning. First was the “family test,” when he had to leave his loved ones and step out by faith to go to a new land (11:27–12:5). This was followed by the “famine test,” which Abraham failed because he doubted God and went down to Egypt for help (12:10–13:4).
Once back in the land, Abraham passed the “fellowship test” when he gave Lot first choice in using the pastureland (13:5–18). He also passed the “fight test” when he defeated the kings (14:1–16) and the “fortune test” when he said no to Sodom’s wealth (14:17–24). But he failed the “fatherhood test” when Sarah got impatient with God and suggested that Abraham have a child by Hagar (Gen. 16). When the time came to send Ishmael away, Abraham passed the “farewell test” even though it broke his heart (21:14–21).
Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Obedient (Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books, 1996), 107.
In the “School of Faith” we must have occasional tests or we will never know where we are spiritually. Abraham had his share of tests right from the beginning. First was the “family test,” when he had to leave his loved ones and step out by faith to go to a new land (11:27–12:5). This was followed by the “famine test,” which Abraham failed because he doubted God and went down to Egypt for help (12:10–13:4).
Once back in the land, Abraham passed the “fellowship test” when he gave Lot first choice in using the pastureland (13:5–18). He also passed the “fight test” when he defeated the kings (14:1–16) and the “fortune test” when he said no to Sodom’s wealth (14:17–24). But he failed the “fatherhood test” when Sarah got impatient with God and suggested that Abraham have a child by Hagar (Gen. 16). When the time came to send Ishmael away, Abraham passed the “farewell test” even though it broke his heart (21:14–21).
Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Obedient (Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books, 1996), 107.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Covered Facility Ground Breaking

Several hundred members of the Cowboy Fellowship congregation stepped outside the church to witness a groundbreaking ceremony for a covered rodeo arena estimated to cost $2.2 million and covering 82,364 sq. ft. The arena was just a vision as planning started in 2003. Sr. Pastor Pete Pawelek said “Prayerfully, Phase I will be completed in the late fall.” Plans include Phase I: the metal building with open walls, electrical work and cover. Bleachers, concession area and restrooms will come later. With smiling faces and full shovels, those participating in the ceremony are (l-r) Clifton Shearrer (Lay Pastor), Wilson Winn (Lay Pastor), Scotty Smith (Associate Pastor), Adam Shelburne (Children’s Pastor), Pete Pawelek (Senior Pastor), Tanner Butkay (Youth Pastor), Bob Hogan (Elder) and Mark Weatherston (Elder).
It started with a vision over 10 years ago of reaching out to men and women with a western heritage and lifestyle. They wanted to reach them for the sake of the Gospel of Christ. He died for the sins of people to set them free from death. With that goal in mind, wanting to reach their friends and family with the great news, with God's help Cowboy Fellowship was started here in Atascosa County.
From that humble begining of 13 men and their families with that vision God has grown Cowboy Fellowship into what it is today. With that being said, Sunday June 19, 2011 God has allowed the people of Cowboy Fellowship to continue the vision of reaching out to their community by prayerfully starting a 3 phase project of building a covered facility.
Cowboy Fellowship is a debt free church. They believe that if God wants them to build it then they would be able to save up for or have the means to accomplish the task that God has laid out before them. They have saved up the money for their first phase of the covered facility, which will be 82,364 square feet. Bleachers, restrooms, and concession area will be added later in the 2nd and 3rd phase of the facility.
At the time of dedication, Roy West, one of the founding team members of the 13 opened in prayer. Followed by a word from Mark Weatherston, and was concluded with Scripture from Pastor Pete Pawelek.
(Pleasanton Express) Scotty Smith
Friday, June 10, 2011
Quito Update #2
The rest of the team arrived safe and sound tonight about 11pm. Now it's time to get some sleep and get ready for tomorrow. In the morning we will tour the HCJB campus in the morning then take the 20 minute drive out to the center of the world (equator). The team will need a full day to adjust to the 10,500 foot altitude here in Quito then on Sunday it's full steam ahead. Thanks for all of the prayers!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Quito Update #1
Today was our first full day in Quito, Ecuador and it was amazing. Our journey yesterday was smooth except for a delay in Houston for just over an hour. So we did not arrive in Quito till midnight and it was about 12:40 am before we got through customs, claimed our luggage, and met up with Amanda. We made it to their house about 1:20 and the kids were both wide awake and ready to play so we did not actually go to sleep till about 2:30am. Today we went out and looked at the church we will be working on and coordinated with a few people about supplies and the scope of the work project. While I worked on that Peter made friends with some of the children who we plan to minister to in the days ahead. The kids were so nice to Peter and despite a huge age gap they invited him to play soccer with them while I worked on getting the project set up. It is so cool the way children can play together and make friends in such a short time. Tonight we ate here with the Castro's and got the kids in bed by 8:30. We followed that up with some great fellowship time with Larry and Amanda. Tomorrow the foundation work starts at the church so the concrete will be set and ready to go when our team arrives Friday. We are also going to get all of the food for the team and organize a few other things. The weather has been AMAZING!!!! At night the temperature settles in the low 50's, and today I think the high was around 75! We have not seen much of the country but the little we have seen is beautiful. Quito is in the Andes and there are mountains all around us and the scenery is wonderful in any direction you look.
Dominica lives above Larry and Amanda and she is going to help us over the next week and a half. Hadley never goes straight to people but she loved Dominica! What a blessing!
Some of the boys from the school taking Peter out on to the soccer field
Peter and Daniel sharing and trying to learn about each other. Daniel speaks no English, Peter speaks no Spanish it was quite a sight to see...
Peter playing soccer with the boys. He has never played but he caught on fast and jumped right in with the big boys.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
EM Bounds
I love to read the words and hear the thoughts of old time preachers like E.M Bounds. The richness of their Spirit encourages, teaches, blesses, and refreshes me as I contemplate the depth of their thoughts. For those who do not know E.M. Bounds was a Methodist Preacher who was born in 1835. He was a Chaplin in the Civil war and was severely wounded in the second battle of Franklin. He is the author of eleven books, nine of which are focused on prayer. All but two of his books were published after his death in 1913.
You may recall that I recently preached a sermon entitled “How To Pray.” I am convinced that prayer should be larger more intense part of my life. Like most I don’t pray enough. This in part is why I love to read the words of E.M. Bounds he inspires me to pray more. I hope that he might do the same for you as well. Thursday, May 19, 2011
8th Anniversary Event May 7, 2011 BULLFIGHTS
Cowboy Fellowship celebrated it's 8th Anniversary in a bold new way... May 7, 2011 the first bullfight of it's kind in Atascosa County, was held at the Poteet Lion's Club Arena in Poteet. The event featured both a "bloodless" Spanish Bullfight and a competitive American Rodeo Style Bullfight.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Missions "What Do You Think"
Missions “What do you think”
Practical Parables series #4
INTRO: Well as most of you know tonight we will be showing our mission video, pictures, and sharing our stories with you all. I really hope you will all come out tonight and be apart of that time. I think you will enjoy it, and learn from it, and all together love it.
This morning as we continue our series in Practical Parables I want us to approach the text of MATTHEW 21:28-32 If you have been with us over the past few weeks we have been talking about the prodigal son, his brother, and his father. This parable is similar in the characters. We have 2 sons, and a father to look at. However as I read this practical parable God showed me some practical things about missions. I will warn you the things he showed me may be hard for you to take, I know they were for me. But for those of you who know me, you know I preach the Bible, as strong, pure and true and I know how. And you also know that I preach what God tells me to preach. So if you feel like I am shooting at you this morning, I want to remind you that I am shooting at the Devil, don’t stand so close if you don’t want to get hit.
Before we start we need to see if we can all agree on something about missions, that is we need to agree on what it is. There are many scripture texts we could read that could define missions but for the sake of time lets just turn to the 28th chapter of Matthew, keep your finger in 21 we will be right back.
Matt 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.
1)It is a command not a choice
2) it is a command for every Christian
3) It is rarely easy
4) it is always demanding
5) And it is being poorly carried out in the world today.
In 2000, nearly 97 percent of the entire income of all Christian organizations was spent on, and primarily benefited, other Christians at home or abroad: $261 billion spent on ministering to Christians, $7.8 billion on already-evangelized non-Christians, and $0.81 billion on unevangelized non-Christians.34 It is no wonder that “one of the reasons churches in North America have trouble guiding people about money is that the church’s economy is built on consumerism. If churches see themselves as suppliers of religious goods and services and their congregants as consumers, then offerings are ‘payment.’ ”29 Meanwhile, many churches say they don’t have enough money to support missionaries.27 http://www.generousgiving.org/page.asp?sec=4&page=504#Q10 Generousgiving.org
So that is 8.61 billion on missions that is still a lot of money right?
Pet spending has more than doubled from $17 billion in 1994 to an estimated $38.4 billion in 2006. In 2006, Americans’ spending on pets is projected to be higher than ever:
$15.2 billion for food
$9.3 billion for supplies and over-the-counter medications
$9.4 billion for veterinarian care
$1.8 billion for live animal purchases
$2.7 billion for other services
This is another stat I found on a web site, it really made me think a different way about missions.
97% of the world has heard of coke-a-cola
72% of the world has seen a can of coke-a-cola
51% of the world has tasted a can of coke-a-cola
Coke has only been around 120 years (1886).
If God had given the task of world evangelization to the Coke company it would probably be done by now. Source Unknown.
72% of the world has seen a can of coke-a-cola
51% of the world has tasted a can of coke-a-cola
Coke has only been around 120 years (1886).
If God had given the task of world evangelization to the Coke company it would probably be done by now. Source Unknown.
Some wish to live within the sound of church or chapel bell;
I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.
C.T. Studd.
I)Better late then never
A) Matt 21:29 I will not, he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.
B) Have you ever been late to something?
1) Have you ever arrived late
(i)Some of you did this morning
2) Have you ever missed an opportunity because you were late?
3) Have you ever been late to a party or celebration?
4) Have you ever been late to a meeting?
5) Have you ever been late?
(i)Let me ask you this, have you ever been so late that you thought about not going, because you were late, but you went anyway?
(a) You were late to a party but you went anyway, and meet an old friend. And then where glad you went.
(b) You were late for a meeting with a client, and almost called to cancel but went and made the big sale.
(c) You were late getting into an investment opportunity, but got in anyway and it turned out great.
(d) You were late for a first date, and a year latter you married that girl?
¨ Often times in life it is better to be late then to never show up at all.
Þ In this case the first son was late, but he showed up for work.
C) Jesus says Matt 21:26 “What do you think?”
1) Was it better to show up late
2) Or not show up at all.
(i)They responded Matt 31 better late then never.
(a) Lets look at another scripture about working the fields
¨ Matt 9:37 The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
Þ Last week we had six people get saved right here 7 days ago.
Þ The week before that 3
Þ The week before that 5
Þ The week before that 2
a. 17 people in 4 weeks, but there are only about 3 or 4 people that are willing to help and disciple them.
i. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
Þ We average about 800 people on Sunday mornings.
a. Last Sunday we had 3 stay and help, sweep, mop, clean the restrooms, take out the trash, turn off the lights, and lock the doors.
i. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
Þ We average about 800 on Sunday Mornings.
a. Two weeks ago we had a work day inside the building and out at the arena.
i. We had about 30 people show up to help
ii. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
Þ We have about 60 visitors a month come through our doors.
a. We have about 7 or 8 people who send letters, make phone calls, and do follow up with all the visitors each month.
i. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
Þ We have about 120 children up stairs each week
a. Yet the same handful of people are struggling to reach and teach them week in and week out.
i. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
ii. I could go on and on.
3) I really believe that God has gifted you in a way to help build this church.
(i)I really believe that God has a purpose for you
(ii)I really believe that God wants to use you
(iii)I really believe that God has called you
(iv)I really believe that God has a mission for you
(a) I think you are just arriving late.
¨ But better late then never
Þ It is better to tell God no, then show up
Þ It is better to say I can’t, but go later anyway
Þ It is better by far to say not me, the come to the field later in the day.
a. My friend it is not to late.
i. Better late then never
D) Let me ask you the same question Jesus asked them that day.
1) What do you think?
II)Talk is cheap
A) Matt 21:30 Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, I will sir, but he did not go.
1) Two good things my dad taught me. Everyone has been giving me a hard time about running my dad down last week so I thought I should throw in something good about him. But don’t get used to it, because I don’t have a lot to work with.
(i)Two things my dad taught me
(a) Talk is cheap, and lookin is free.
¨ Many talk a good game
¨ Many have all the right word
¨ Many say yes sir I will do it
¨ Many say sure that’s no problem
Þ But never have any intention of doing it.
a. Talk it cheap.
i. Anyone can talk but who can get the job done?
ii. Anyone can talk about it, but who is willing to do it?
iii. Anyone can say yes sir, but who will get dirty, sweaty, and uncomfterbul, to get the job done?
iv. Anyone can talk about pretty much anything, but doing it is something else.
v. Talk is cheap.
B) Do any of you know someone who is a good talker.
1) You know who I am talking about.
(i)Someone when they tell you something, it does not matter what it is,
(a) You trust them about as far as you can throw them
(b) You always have a plan B when this person is involved
(c) You always just plan on doing it yourself when they promise you it will get done
¨ We all know talk is cheap
Þ This second son talked and good game,
a. But he had no intention at all of ever steping out on to the field.
C) Sad thing is I wonder how many of us have done that when it comes to missions.
1) May I read you a very short true story?
2) A one-legged school teacher from Scotland came to J. Hudson Taylor to offer himself for service in China. "With only one leg, why do you think of going as a missionary?" Asked Taylor. Because "I do not see those with two legs going," replied George Scott. He was accepted. Pillar of Fire, January First, 1983.
(i) You wont find this George Scott in any Encyclopedia
(ii)You won’t find his name in the hall of fame
(iii)You won’t find a legacy of money or power associated with George Scott.
(a) But one day we shall all meet the thousands, and indeed the millions that have come to know Christ through the ministry of the one legged missionary to China.
¨ Talk is cheap, but only that which cost your life will bear eternal rewards.
Þ YES SIR I will go we say
Þ YES Sir across the street
Þ YES Sir to my friends house
Þ YES Sir to my co-workers desk
Þ YES Sir to my brother, sister, father, mother, son daughter.
Þ YES Sir, but we never seem to get there,
a. May I be the first to confess my guilt
b. May I be the first to repent
c. I shall be the first this day to admit in shame I have used cheap talk to my God
i. But I pray that I am not the last.
D) 1 Sam 2:3 (ESV) “Talk no more so very proudly,
let not arrogance come from your mouth;
for the Lord is a God of knowledge,
and by him actions are weighed.
1) Talk is cheap
(i)God has plenty of talkers, but He needs more workers on the mission field.
(ii)Are actions speak louder then our words
2) Let me ask you the same question Jesus asked
(i)What do you think?
E) The third and final thing for today, that God taught me in this practical parable is this.
III)Respect is not a substitute for obedience
A) Matt 21:29-31 I will not, he answered, but later he changed his mind and went. Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, I will sir, but he did not go. Which of the two did what his father wanted? The first, the answered.
B) We have in our text one command Son, go and work today in the vineyard.
1) But we have two boys both with different responses.
2) The first response I WILL NOT shows no respect for the fathers authority.
(i)It shows no respect for the fathers simply and reasonable request
(ii)It shows us that this sons heart is not in the right place
(iii)He has no respect for his father.
3) The second I WILL SIR
(i)Shows great respect, not only does he say he will go and fulfill the request, he says SIR.
(ii)Yes SIR I will go
(iii)I respect you enough to go and enough to say SIR.
C) But respect is not a substitute for obedience.
1) The first son I WILL NOT; obeys
2) The second, I WILL SIR; disobeys.
(i)Let me ask you as Jesus did to them What do you think? Who did what was right?
(a) The first, why? Because he obeyed.
D) This is what God told me
1) You may respect God
2) You may respect Jesus
3) You may respect the request
4) You may agree with and respect the mission and the purpose
5) You may respect it all in every way, but respect is no substitute for obedience.
(i)See at the end of the day, respect is good, but without obedience to the call, it is worthless.
(ii)If you respect the master but disobey the command,
(iii)If you respect the master but disobey the order
(iv)if you respect the master but disobey the call
(v)if you respect the master but disobey the Mission you are given
(a) Well then you have failed, because respect is no substitute for obedience.
¨ In the scope of eternity, respect is great, but obedience, is by which we will all be judged.
E) CT Studd once said Some wish to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.
(i) I think it is safe to say that many respect God, but far fewer are obeying his command to be apart of missions in these last days.
Closing: In closing this morning, let me remind you that I
I) it is never to late.
a. If God has called you to something and you did not do it, get r done.
II) Talk is cheap.
a. Who do you relate with more, the first or the second son?
i. Are you a cheap talker?
ii. Have you said yes sir with no intention of going anywhere?
iii. If so confess that and repent today and go.
III) Respect is no substitute for obedience.
a. You may respect God, but if you don’t obey at then end of the day all the respect in the world is useless.
Prayer of Salvation: Jesus I know that I have sinned, I invite you into my heart to be my Lord and Savior. Forgive me of my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. Thank you for your grace and goodness. Amen
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