
Sunday, January 31, 2010

2010 Town Hall Report

We had a great town hall meeting yesterday after church.  In case you missed it here are the high points.
  1. Next week on Saturday night we will be Licensing several men into the ministry it starts at 7 pm so don't miss it.  Also we are having our first Saturday night pot-luck starting at 6pm bring a dish and come join us for that too.
  2. We announced the updated Covered Facility total ( I forgot the exact number but will try to come put it in later.)
  3. Mark Weatherston was re-elected as Elder for another 2 year Term, and Bob Hogan is a newly elected Elder as well. 
  4. We introduced Cowboy Fellowship 2.0 which is our new and much improved website.  Surf it today by clicking on this link
    1. Big improvments have been made in the following areas.
      • New Home Page that has more info on it
      • Big Buttons on the home page to help you find what you are looking for.
      • Upcoming events on the home page
      • New and imporved sermon page.  
      • Online Giving is now available through the site.
      • Clean, look and feel
      • And much more just go check it out. 
  5. BOOST 2010 was also announced.  Cowboy Fellowship will be hosting a conference in Leaky Texas on March 25-27 for adults and families.  This is going to be a time for Cowboy Churches to join together in worship and be encouraged and lifted up.  Sign up today to reserve the best rooms.  Click here to download registration form, Get it in as soon as possible with your $20 deposit to reserve your room.
All in all it was a great meeting but what would you expect from a great church full of great people?  2010 is going to be amazing, BE APART OF IT!


Friday, January 29, 2010

2010 Town Hall

Hey everyone I am really excited about our Town Hall meeting this weekend.  We have some exciting announcements to make.  We will also be having Elder Elections, and a Building Project update.  If you are member of Cowboy Fellowship or just a regular attender you need to be at this meeting.  The meeting will start about 10 minutes after church is dismissed.  And should last about 30 minutes.  I can't wait to see you all at church and at the Town Hall, see you then.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Promise

I have question and a song for you today.

This came out in our Bible Study on Christan Leadership last night.
What is God's personal promise to you! In Acts 27 and 28, Paul is on a ship on his way to Rome, but he has a Word from God, "I am sending you to Rome". Now some people will say that is just a statement, but if you are God and you speak word as truth and can be counted, isn't that a promise, isn't it trustworthy, isn't it true?
So my question is this: What is God's promise to you? What is God's word to you? How does it move you,inspire you,empower you?
These are words of passion,strength and reliability. These are words that ring strong and true! Are these the words people use to describe you? Are they the words they use when they speak of you?

Yes, no, maybe, sometimes? As you ponder this line of thought or question today, come back to where it starts, ask our God who is alive, Who is able to hear. Call out to Him and expect a reply, and listen, listen for His Word back to you... and my prayer for you is that you realize all you need is Him.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Pray in 2010!

What a GREAT day at Cowboy Fellowship.  God's House was full today and with just a few more people it would have been packed.  It was great to see everyone, and hear so many join in with the band this morning and last night!  We are so blessed with musical talent at Cowboy Fellowship.
Just in case you missed it we talked about Prayer this weekend.  More specifically we said that you have the time to pray in 2010.  In fact you cant afford not to pray!  If you don't take the time to pray at least three things will happen.
  1. You will linger to long or leave to early
  2. You will loose your way
  3. You will learn the hard way
If you feel like your prayer life needs a boost click here and listen to this sermon, or hit the play button below.  I pray this message will inspire you to make prayer a priority this year.  You've Got the Time to Pray!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Seven ways to protect your marriage against moral failure

Hey everyone this is a good article from Rick Warren on marriage.  It is directed at pastors and church staff, but should serve as a good reminder for us all.   I know this stuff is common sense and stuff we should all already know, but sometimes hearing it again is just what we need.  Give it a read it's not very long.  If you want to read the article on it's original page you can click here. 

Friday, January 8, 2010

Great Book for everyone

This is a great book for anyone to read.  Whether you are a leader at church, work, school, or in the community, or if you are just wanting to explore the area of leadership a bit more, you will find this book very handy.  The chapters are very short and to the point as most of Sanders writings are.  Each page is jam packed with scripture and powerful insights about leadership.  This is an easy and powerful read.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pray for our brothers and sisters...

 We need to remember our brothers and sisters around the world each day in our prayers.  I came across this article this week and thought I would share it with you.  If you would like to read it on the original page you can click here.

SANTA ANA, CA--  Two of the most notorious and restrictive regimes in the world top the Open Doors 2010 World Watch List (WWL) of 50 countries which are the worst persecutors of Christians.

In the No. 1 spot for the eighth straight time is North Korea, the country where every religious activity is recognized as an insurrection to the North Korean socialist principles. In 2009, the North Korean regime of Kim Jong-Il targeted Christians all over the country. That resulted in arrests, torture and killings. North Korean leaders are desperately trying to control society in order to eradicate all Christian activities. There are an estimated 200,000 North Koreans in political prisons, including 40,000 to 60,000 Christians.

A veteran North Korean watcher, who can't be identified due to security reasons, states: "Christians are the target of fierce government action, and once caught, are not regarded as human. Last year we had evidence that some were used as guinea pigs to test chemical and biological weapons."

Iran is now No. 2 on the list. Iran was previously No. 3 on the WWL for many years, behind Saudi Arabia. The wave of arrests of Christians which started in 2008 continued even stronger during 2009, resulting in the arrest of at least 85 Christians. It is suspected that the arrests are a way for the Iranian government to distract attention from internal problems, including the domestic turmoil after the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Most of those arrested were mistreated in prison. The turmoil and rioting continued at the end of 2009.

Of the countries on the top 10 list, eight have Islam as their dominant religion -- Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Maldives, Afghanistan, Yemen, Mauritania and Uzbekistan. North Korea and Laos are communist countries. Also, 35 of the 50 countries on the list have Islamic governments.

"It is certainly not a shock that North Korea is No. 1 on the list of countries where Christians face the worst persecution," says Carl Moeller, President/CEO of Open Doors USA. "There is no other country in the world where Christians are persecuted in such a horrible and systematic manner. Three generations of a family are often thrown into prison when one member is incarcerated.

"Iran jumping to No. 2 is noteworthy. Iranian Muslim Background Believers Maryam Rustampoor and Marzieh Amirzadeh were arrested simply for being Christians and refusing to recant their faith in Jesus Christ. They were released almost two months ago, helped by an advocacy campaign by Open Doors and other Christian organizations. But these two brave women along with hundreds of other believers still remain at risk inside Iran."

Moeller adds that despite the growth of persecution in many regions of the world, Christianity continues to flourish. "There is a strong group of Christians in North Korea and actually the number of Christians in North Korea has grown in the last 10 years. Many are coming to Christ in the Muslim World. But we need to continue to embrace them in prayer in 2010."

Saudi Arabia at No. 3 remains unchanged in the situation of religious freedom for Christians. However, no reports of Christians killed or physically harmed for their faith were received, and only one report of a Christian arrested was noted.

Somalia moved up one spot to the No. 4 position as religious freedom for Christians became worse. In April the Parliament voted unanimously to institute Islamic law.

Rounding out the top 10 are Maldives No. 5, followed by Afghanistan, Yemen, Mauritania, Laos and Uzbekistan.

The Yemeni Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, but it also declares that Islam is the state religion and that Sharia Law is the source of all legislation. The Yemeni government allows expatriates some freedom to live out their faith, but Yemeni citizens are not allowed to convert to Christianity (or other religions). Converts from Islamic background may face the death penalty if their new faith is discovered. Last June nine expatriate Christian health workers were kidnapped by armed men. A few days later the mutilated bodies of three of them were found. The fate of the remaining six aid workers remains unknown.

New to the top 10 this year is the North African country of Mauritania, holding the No. 8 position. Mauritania jumped 10 spots, the biggest increase of any country in the poll. The situation deteriorated due to the murder of a Christian aid worker in June 2009, the arrest and torture of 35 Mauritanian Christians in July and the arrest of a group of 150 of sub-Saharan Christians in August.

The lone country to drop out of the top 10 list is the tiny African country of Eritrea, which fell from No. 9 to No. 11. Open Doors recorded fewer reports on persecution of Christians in Algeria, India, Cuba, Jordan, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, which dropped from No. 41 to No. 48 -- the biggest improvement of any country in 2009.

The World Watch List, started by the Open Doors Research Department in 1991, seeks to understand the unique persecution fingerprint of each country. This is to ensure effective intervention since Open Doors ministers to the persecuted church in more than 45 countries worldwide. The data is derived from a questionnaire containing 53 questions sent to Open Doors co-workers, key church leaders and recognized experts in 70 countries. The questionnaire examines every aspect of persecution, including the degree of legal restriction, state attitudes, how free the church is to organize itself, as well as noting incidents of persecution, such as church burnings, anti-Christian riots and even martyrdom. Open Doors is uniquely positioned to provide this research as it is the world's largest mission agency working on behalf of the persecuted.

A list of all 50 countries can be found here

Brit Hume Tells O'Reilly: Tiger Woods Needs Something Christianity Provides - 01/04/10

Hey here is my first Post of the new year Pete has allowed us to post whatever we feel the Lord leading us to post. I pray Brit Hume inspires all of you today like he did me. Thank you Lord for working through men like Brit Hune to help reveal your grace, Mercy, and hope to others.
I pray all of you are able to offer a little bit more in the world today Like Mr. Hume did during this world wide broad cast.

Scotty Smith

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

You've Got The Time Pt. 1

I hope you were able to make it out this weekend for the first sermon in our series You've Got the Time.  We had a great crowd at both services, and it was a wonderful start to the new year.  In case you missed it I challenged you to do three things this week.
1. Re-Define Discipleship- Ask yourself what it really means to be a disciple.  Is it just coming to church?  Or is there more to being a disciple?
2 Re-Evaluate your values- What do you value?  If you want to know what you value just evaluate how you spent your money and your time last year that will show what you value.  Jesus lays out the value system for Christians clearly in Matthew 22:34-40.  Read it and ask yourself if your values line up with God's?
3. Re-Engage in the work of the Kingdom-  If you were in church this weekend you might remember the Danger ZONE (Top Gun) that was FUN!!!!  If not here is the deal, WE NEED YOU TO ENGAGE!  Everyone of you are important to the work of the Gospel.  For God's church to reach the world we need everyone to ENGAGE!

If you missed the sermon click here and listen to it today!  Or use the button below.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

This Weekend...

Hey Cowboy Fellowship don't miss this weekend as we celebrate the New Year.  The sermon Title is You've Got The Time.  I am going to challenge us all to do three things at the start of this new year and I believe you will be blessed should you take the challenge.
I am also going to be introducing our new Children's Pastor (Adam) to the congregation.  We are so excited about what God is going to do through Him.  We all believe that Adam is going to be a great team member at Cowboy Fellowship.  And there is another HUGE announcement that I will be sharing as well.  All I am going to say is people will be surprised!  You won't want to miss it, because it is going to amaze you to see what God has been doing over the last 2 months behind the scenes in our church.
So come out on Saturday night at 7pm or Sunday Morning at 10:45 am, let's start 2010 right, together and in God's house!

Pastor Pete

Friday, January 1, 2010

And There Was...

 Gen. 1:5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. 

Today as I sat in my deer blind watching God's wonderful creation at work I witnessed one of the most wonderful sunsets I have ever seen, along with one of the best moon rises too.  I had read this verse earlier today and could not help but dwell on what it must have been like that first day.  As I prayed and thought I seemed to sense God say, "It was no more or less amazing then what you just witnessed..."  We don't have to wonder what it was like because even though it's not the first day, or the second, or third, this world is still spinning and moving the way he designed it from the start.  if you want to see the Bible come alive just open your eyes it is all around us.  Our God is an amazing designer and His handy work surrounds us!   Praise Him, He deserves it!